atco Groups

 Sunday Adult Groups

Major League Marriage

Chad and Taylor Holcomb
Helping married couples' worship together, build friendships, and live on mission for Jesus.
When: Sunday Morning at 9:45am
Where: On Campus- 2nd Floor Fellowship Hall

Chris and Becky George

Open to all men and women of all seasons of life as they seek to live according to God’s design
When: Sunday Morning at 9:45 am
Where: On Campus- Education Building

Jack Smith

Providing a space for adults 40 and older to find community and connection.
When: Sunday Mornings at 9:45am
Where: On Campus- Youth Center

Abundant Life Ladies Group

Rachel Miller
Abundant life is about relationships with God and others that help women walk his life with grace and truth.
When: Sunday Mornings at 9:45am
Where: On Campus - Education Building

Calvin Lee

Helping men walk faithfully with Christ.
When: Sunday Mornings at 9:45am
Where: On Campus- Education Building

Reba Tenpenny

Serving and equipping women ages 60+ through biblical principles.
When: Sunday Mornings at 9:45am
Where: On Campus- Education Building

Patrick Bell

Dedicated to strengthening Senior Adult’s relationships with Christ through teaching and guiding each other.
When: Sunday Mornings at 9:45
Where:  On-Campus Church Office Conference Room

Patricia Abernathy

Open to ladies 50+ encouraging one another, praying for one another, and we love to welcome new friends
When: Sunday Mornings at 9:45
Where: Education Building

Wednesday Night Groups

Wednesday  6:30pm-8:00pm


Led by Pastor Justin
Discover what it means to follow Jesus as Pastor Justin leads an inspiring teaching on discipleship.
Meets in the Main Sancturary

Women's Bible Study

Led by Katie Jessee
Gather and Give by Amy Nelson Hannon
Sharing God’s Heart Through Everyday Hospitality.
Meets in Men's classroom

Men's Bible Study

Led by Ryan Malone
The Pursuit by Rick Burgess 
A 40-week, video-driven discipleship curriculum designed to empower men to become who God has created them to be.
Meets in Major League Marriage classroom.

Sign up for a small group

We'd love to get you connected to a small group . Fill out the form below to get started.

Small groups help people grow in their faith and build community. Our groups take place on Sunday and Wednesday of the week.  Use this form if you would like more information. We'd love to have you join us!