Mission & Core Values

Reaching Families and Reviving Relationships...

The Mission

The mission of ATCO Baptist Church is to Reach Families and Revive Relationships. We reach families with the transformative message of love and faith in Jesus Christ. We seek to revive relationships by building lasting bonds within our community.  

People > Preferences

We value people over preferences. Our preferences will not stand in the way of reaching people with the gospel and welcoming them just as they are. We will sacrifice our agendas, ways of doing things, and our opinions in an effort to reach our families, friends, neighbors, and our workplace. 

Jesus > Religion

We value Jesus over religion. The most important aspect of our faith is a personal relationship with Jesus. We point people to Jesus and away from religion. Religion causes brokenness and conflict. Jesus brings joy and unity.

"We" > "Me" 

We value others over ourselves. No one person is greater than any other. We believe that all people were created in the image of God. Therefore, all people are important, loved, and welcome here. We understand that we need each other and that we are better together

Grace > Judgment

Like the "Judgment Free Zone" at Planet Fitness, there is no judgment here. We are all exercising our faith together which involves showing grace to others. We want to extend the same grace to others that Jesus has given to us. He took our judgment on the cross and has forgiven every mistake, every mess up, and every sin of those who follow Him.

Best > Good

We are not willing to settle for "good" when the "best" is available. In bringing salvation to his people, God offered the best. He offered his Son, Jesus Christ. In response to what God has done for us, we will give him our very best in an effort to fulfill his mission. We will follow Jesus knowing that he has the best plans for our lives.

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